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Runescape Quest Help

These are the quests that i've completed

         The Sheep Shearer

    First you have to talk to fred the farmer(north of lumberige). Then you buy some shears and shear the sheep. To make the wool into balls of wool you must go in Lumberidge castle and go to the top floor in it will be a spinning weel. You will need 20 balls of wool. when yor done talk to fred again, and i think it will explain itself from there.

        The Restless Ghost

        First talk to the priest in the church next to the graveyard in lumberidge. Then talk to the Ghost in the graveyard. Go around back of Lumberidge's castle and head south from there. You'll then find a person in a small house. talk to him and you'll get the amulet of ghost speak. Go back to the graveyard and talk to the ghost. when your done talking to him search the coffin. go to the tower of wizards and go as down as the bottem floor. you'Ll see a skull on the ground pick it up and a skeletin (lvl 19) will attack you. Kill it or just run away. search the coffin again or click on the skull and then on the coffin. (I cant quite remember I sugest searching the coffin first).

             Demon Slayer

        First you should talk to the gypsy in varrok square. (If your on world 29 it's where all the people are.) Then go inside varrok castle and talk to sir prysin. the first place you'll find a key is in the drain outside the kitchen. use the bucket with the sink then use the bucket of water with the drain. the key will fall down. you'll have to go in the sewer to get it. (no matter what lvl you are you won't die getting this key.) Then the the ladder, that is as far north west that you can go in the castle, will take up to where the guards headquarters are. there is the captain guard up there talk to him eventually he will give you his key. Next go to the tower of wizards and talk to traiborne the wizard. you'll need 25 bones to get his key. when you have 25 bones talk to traborne again. Now go back and talk to sir prysin. he will then give u the silverlight. talk to the gypsy and ask her for the special words. then go and kill the delrith.

          Vampire Slayer

               First you must talk to Morgan in draynor's town. he'll tell you to find one of his friends who is in a bar near the wilderness. he'll ask you for some beer and eventually he'll give you the stake. return to drayner and in one of the houses, up a ladder is a cupboard there is some garlik. take the garlic and now go to draynor manor. go down the staircase and kill a vampire. hurrah you did it!!

              Imp Catcher

          First you'll need to go to the tower of wizards. go to the top floor and talk to the old wizard.(you can't attack him). he'll give you a quest to find 4 beads, but you must kill imps to get them. the four colours are: black, red, white and yellow. when you have the beads return to that wizard and he'll give you an amulet of accuricy.(he'll take all your beads though).

          Goblin Diplomacy

           first go to port sarim's bar. talk to the bartender ask him why there aren't any people there and continue, eventually when you get it right you'll find out that 2 goblins are fighting over the colour of thier armour. go to the goblin village and talk to the biggest goblins. you'll need orange armour, green armor, dark blue armour and finally the oringinal light blu armor. to get the different types of armour you'll need to go to drayner and get the witch to make you dye. you'll need to mix yellow and red dye to get orange and mix blue and yellow dye to get green.

        The Shield of Arrav

        How to get in the Black Arm gang: The gang hideout is the big building near the south entrance of Varrok. Talk to the tramp outside the allyway to the building. ask him whats down the allyway. then talk to the woman inside the building and she'll tell you she'll only let you join if you give her two pheonix crossbows. now you'll need someone from the pheonix gang to give you the pheonix gang key. (now you'll have to get someone to tell you where to use the key because i dont't know how to describe it's location.) now pick up the two pheonix crossbows on the floor but there is a man up there (lvl 25) that will attack you when you try to pick up the crossbows. when you have two crossbows go back to the hideout and give the girl the crossbows. now you can go through the go through it and then go up th stairs and search the treasure chest and you'll find one piece of the SHIELD OF ARRAV. To get the other half of the shield you'll need to ask someone in the pheonix gang to give you it.        How to get in the Pheonix gang: Go inside the castle in varrok. go north and you'll find the palace library. Talk to Reldo and and ask him if he has a quest for you he'll tell you to find a book in his library. Read the book or don't and talk to reldo again. Ask him if he knows where the pheonix gang is. he'll say "no but the bareak in varrok square does".pay the bareak 20 coins and he'll tell you where the pheonix gang is.(if his information isn't spacifik, then ask someone where it is cause i can't describe it's location.)anyway go to the pheonix gang and talk to the man down a ladder. say you know who he is or something like that and then say this is the pheonix gang hideout. tell him you want to join and he'll tell you to kill jonny the beard in the blue moon inn. pick up jonny's scroll and head back to the pheonix H.Q. Give the man the scroll and he'll let you in the door. go to one of the rooms and you'll find a chest search it and get the shield piece. to get the other half you'll need you have to get someone in the black arm gang to get it for you.





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